Do I Need to Take a Childbirth Class?

You’ve just found out you're going to have a baby!! 


With this announcement comes a whole plethora of, “Now what do we do!?” 

Trust us, we work with pregnant people all the time and no matter how much you know about what to expect, there always tends to be some unknowns. 

Have you considered taking a childbirth class to fill in the missing pieces of knowledge you already have?  Perhaps you have  some hesitations as to why you’d even need to take one, then our specialized childbirth class, ‘The Birth Guide’ is just for you- And here’s why:

You don’t know, what you don’t know-And that’s okay!!

In the grand scheme of things, how much did we actually retain from sex ed in sixth grade? Likely - Not much.  Taking a childbirth class can allow you learn about the basics around childbirth and what the different stages of labor and delivery look like. We help you get an idea of what is within the scope of normal and what to look for when labor begins. There is nothing wrong with not having all the answers or information— in our class we can help you learn all about the cervix and delivering a baby.

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Just the facts.

If evidence based information is what you need to make decisions, you’ve come to the right place. Our childbirth educators provide the facts and research around birth. Gathering information around birth that is evidence based allows you to be a better decision maker! At PNW Doulas, we believe in the value of science and the research that shows what to expect when someone is attempting to have a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) or when someone wants to opt out of cervical checks. Information is powerful, and a childbirth class gives you all of that and then some so that you can feel good about  your decisions. Whether this is your first baby or your sixth, it’s okay to get a refresher of what birth might look like these days. Birth stays the same- but information and research can change.

Comfort + Coping.

Most people are hopeful that their pain can be managed well while they are in labor.  In our class we spend time practicing some very common comfort techniques. Our educators will help you practice those hip squeezes and show you how to get into different positions to find what feels comfortable to you. Labor doesn’t have to be all pain and suffering, and we can teach you how to get more comfortable and cope in labor.

Birth (and postpartum)  looks different for everybody, and we get that.

Don’t let the idea that you might want an epidural or a scheduled Cesarean birth dissuade you from taking a childbirth class. We support many modalities of birth and infant care. Your needs for your birth might be different from the other students in class, but we cover birth in all of its alternatives. Cesarean birth, induction, low intervention, high intervention, you name it, we teach about it. Get comfortable with all of the protocols of each of these types of birth so you know what to anticipate when your birthing day comes. 


Relax + Laugh.

A childbirth class doesn’t exactly sound like how you want to spend your time. Sitting in a room with a bunch of strangers, watching gross birth videos, and hearing all you should do to “do it right”… not the best date night. We offer a variety of teaching options during this day and age. A group zoom class might be more up your alley, or you might prefer a one on one class where you can ask your questions in a  customized way to fit the information and experience you are most interested in. What we can guarantee is that our teachers like to keep the atmosphere light, and allow you to feel comfortable in a safe environment to navigate new information. There will be laughter, there will be honesty, and  there will be time for you to gather what you need for your upcoming birth.

The old adage that says, “It’s never too late to go back to school,” can certainly apply to having a baby. You get to choose what works best for you. And we promise you will leave our class with a better understanding of birth and your choices throughout the process.

Andrea WillemsComment